The Lost Pines Nature Trails Project is a multi-phase project to develop recreational biking and walking trails on a 30 acre tract of land along the Lower Colorado River, adjoining and connecting 60 acres known as the Pines & Prairies Land Trust (PPLT) Colorado River Refuge. This project will initiate restoration of the wetland and riparian habitats, will restore the existing trails, and continue developing ADA accessible trails on the property. Once completed, the two projects will encompass nearly 90 acres of towering riparian forest land, wetlands, springs, majestic bald cypress, pecan trees, and unusual geological outcroppings along three miles of serene river frontage. Developing new recreational hike, bike and ADA trails will help reverse existing damage from flooding, erosion, and misuse. This segment of land will provide multiple opportunities for locals and the traveling public to enjoy nature, tourism, recreation, and education.